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Karate Belt

Benefits of TAEKWONDO

1. Learn Self-Defense Skills

All right, the first one is pretty obvious. After all, what does Taekwondo teach? Self-defense skills! 

In modern Taekwondo, there is a significant emphasis on the martial art as a sport. No one will encourage you to go around picking fights or deliberately put yourself in unsafe situations. 

However, the original purpose of Taekwondo was self-defense. If you’re paying attention in class, you’re going to learn something that could be useful to you on the street one day. 

2. Greater Stamina

When you first start Taekwondo classes, you might find that you tire easily. After just a few kicking drills, you need a minute to rest and catch your breath.  You might even discover that you can take up jogging as a pastime — and actually like it! 

3. Improve Flexibility

Big benefits of Taekwondo for adults and kids alike is greater flexibility. When you first walk into a Taekwondo class, you might watch nimble athletes kicking dummies at head height and think you would never be able to do that.

But over time, the stretching exercises will work their magic. 

4. Weight Loss

How effective is Taekwondo at helping you lose weight? If you put your all into training, it can be very effective!

As we’ve been noting, there are a lot of great exercises involved in Taekwondo training. If you were a bit chubbier than you’d like when you start Taekwondo, you can kiss that extra weight goodbye. 

5. Improve Focus and Concentration

Many people don’t realize it, but the focus is a learned skill. Put yourself in situations that require concentration and you develop more of it over time. This is one of the best benefits of Taekwondo for kids with ADHD or other similar issues. It helps them learn to hone their focus, perhaps even without medication!

6. Learn Discipline

Here’s a big benefit of Taekwondo for students and adults alike.

You don’t get through months or years of Taekwondo classes without learning a bit of discipline along the way. There will be days you don’t want to go to class. But every time you push through and do it anyway, you’re learning a little more discipline.

7. Learn Respect

Finally, one of the basic tenets of Taekwondo is respect. Students are taught respect from day one. They are expected to treat the instructor and other students in a respectful manner. Even the dojang itself is shown respect.

 You begin to develop and show more respect for other people outside of Taekwondo class. This will help you in virtually everything because when you treat people with respect, they will naturally be drawn to you and inclined to help you. 

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